The 1890 Historic Study

Neihardt's study with white flowers from the Sacred Garden

 The Study is the only structure remaining from the original property on which John Neihardt lived and worked from 1900 to 1920. It was erected for August Hartman in the 1890s prior to Neihardt's occupancy. Neihardt rented the building from 1911-1920 for use in his writing. In this building, he wrote his poetry, prose, and the first part of the Cycle of the West: The Song of Hugh Glass, The Song of Three Friends, and the first part of The Song of the Indian Wars.

The building consists of only one room, which is furnished today much as it was when Neihardt used it: desk, chair, typewriter, kerosene lamp, rocking chair, and small stove. It was entered into the Register of Historic Places in 1970.

The study is the oldest, smallest historical site in the United States that remains in its original location.